MFC Representative Application

UUMA MFC Application

First Name: *
Last Name: *
email address: *
Current ministry Setting: *
Year received Full Fellowship: *
Why do you wish to serve as one of the UUMA’s representatives on the Ministerial Fellowship Committee?: *
Please discuss the experience and skills you'd bring to the MFC: *
What do you think are the most important qualities and skills that new ministers must possess to effectively serve Unitarian Universalism in the years to come?: *
Describe your experiences with anti-racism, anti-oppression and multiculturalism. How will that experience inform your service on the MFC?: *
List current or past service in the UUMA or the UUA: *
Please give us the name and contact information for a colleague who can serve as a reference. Please consider offering the name of a colleague you have supervised or mentored: *


24 Farnsworth St

Boston, MA 02210-1409